We're sold out for the 3rd year in a row - but feel free to join our waiting list!
Join Waiting ListThe hands-on tutorials were worth their weight in gold. Some of the concepts I spend hours reading about were cleared up in 30 minutes.
The demos and labs have been SO polished. Basically my ideal iOS conference because I came away learning so much!
Better food and more fun than WWDC! Lots left to work on after I go home - really met the goal of providing content to cement the knowledge.
RWDevCon is a conference focused on high quality programming tutorials. It’s right outside Washington DC, brought to you by the teams at raywenderlich.com and 360iDev. Here’s what makes RWDevCon special:
Learn about iOS development with Swift via high quality hands-on tutorials led by the authors you know and love
Strong interactive focus - follow along with the instructor and learn by doing
Make great friends and be a part of our awesome international community
Curious how last year went? RWDevCon 2016 Post-Mortem | RWDevCon 2016 Vault
Learn how to make great apps with Swift - using brand new APIs and frameworks from WWDC.
Dive deep into a guided tour of more advanced topics - we pick topics based on your votes.
Talks to refresh you and leave you with new ideas and motivation.
iOS Team Member
Apple Game Frameworks Team Member
Swift Team Member
Swift Team Member
Advanced App Architecture Workshop
iOS Team Member
Video Tutorial Instructor, tvOS Apprentice
Advanced App Architecture Workshop
tvOS Apprentice, watchOS by Tutorials
Apple Game Frameworks Team Lead
Video Tutorial Instructor, iOS 10 by Tutorials
James Dempsey and the Breakpoints
Unity Team
Swift Team Lead
Swift Apprentice
Video Tutorial Instructor
iOS Team Member
Swift Algorithm Club
Article Team Member
Core Data by Tutorials
Swift Algorithm Club
iOS Team Lead, Podcaster
iOS Team Member
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering Workshop
iOS Team Member
Article Team Member
watchOS by Tutorials
iOS Animations by Tutorials
iOS 10 by Tutorials
watchOS by Tutorials